Saint Jerome’s Suggestion

the order in which to read the bible


  1. Singing the Psalms (like in the Liturgy of the Hours)

  2. Proverbs [plus Wisdom and Sirach]

  3. Ecclesiastes

  4. Job

  5. the Gospels

  6. Acts of the Apostles

  7. New Testament Letters (Romans thru 3 John)

  8. Prophets

  9. Heptateuch [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges]

  10. Kings [1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings]

  11. Chronicles

  12. Ezra [including Nehemiah]

  13. Esther

  14. Song of Songs

  15. [Revelation]


derived from his Epistula ad Laetam 107, 9,12, quoted in Benedict XV, Spiritus Paraclitus, §41